Want to advertise with a punch? And pie? Of course you do!
(even if we make the lamest puns ever.)

Advertising is easy! Check it out:

Punch an Pie is an online webcomic with a variety of readers with a variety of tastes. The standard type of reader to come to the site is usually into the typical 'geek' things - webcomics, roleplaying games, print comics, cult movies and memorabilia, catchy t-shirts, you name it. There's also a section of goth, wiccan, and neo-pagan people, as well as people into fetish and erotic gear and sites. There are, of course, people from all walks of life reading the strip, but those are the majority.

What can I get? - There are two ad sizes available for you to choose from - one 468x60 ad that
sits above the strip itself at the top of the page, and one large 160x600 panel that is prominently displayed at the side of the page.

How much are they? - The 468x60 ad is $15 a day, the 160x600 ad is $25 a day. When I say 'per day', I mean it - you aren't paying for clickthroughs, you're paying for sheer time. This generally tends to work to the buyers advantage. Rates are subject to change, however if there is an increase in ad rates, it'll be announced ahead of time, and if you've already paid for your ad, the old rates will apply.

What's allowed to advertise? - SStuff! Honestly, we'll take just about anything. Ads for comics, products you think people will find interesting - heck if you want to buy an ad to wish someone a happy birthday or the like that's just dandy too. Things I WON'T take - political ads. Ads for causes are okay as long as they aren't offensive. Ads for porn are dandy as long as they are work-safe and clearly labelled as linking to adult content - I don't really want my readers ambushed by tittes in the face while they're at work. Animated and flash ads are fine - ads with sound encorporated must have a way to turn the sound on and off, with the option defaulted to off. Please keep all ads, animated or non, under 50k in size - if they are larger than 50k, you will be asked to redo them until they fit the requirements. No exceptions.

So what do I need to do to advertise? - Drop an email to pnpadstuff@gmail.com with a link to your site, the days you'd like the ad to run, what you want your ad to say or, if you already have it, the ad itself. I will contact you to let you know if the days you requested are available or, if they aren't, when the next available days are.

After all the details are secured, I'll send you the cost of the ad space. I accept payment via Paypal. Upon receiving your payment, I will run the ad on the day(s) you purchased.

Will you design it? - Why yes, yes we will! Designs are the same prices as the ads at the moment - so if you want to buy a top bar, it's $15, and if you want it custom designed, it's another $15. Sidebar ad design is $25. And a bonus - you can pick your artist, either Chris or myself will gladly put together an ad for you! Just mention in the email to the above address that you are interested in a custom design, and who you would like to do it, and we'll take it from there!

Can I get a discount? - Honey, they're cheap enough already. Seriously. If you are buying in bulk, then maybe we can work something out.

Will you put my merchandise in your comic? - Nope!



AutoKeenLite ©Darren 'Gav' Bleuel, Punch an' Pie and all images associated with this website ©2007 Chris Daily and Aeire, webspace generously provided by Randy at Something Positive, web design provided by Stephanie Burrows. This is the end of the traditional disclaimer, and if you read all of it good job! Have a cookie.